My Passion for the Outdoors

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Ever since I was very little growing up in Idaho I have spent my time camping, hiking, and other various types of outdoor recreation.  This literally is who I am- Misty Outdoors.  I was told that I shouldn’t use this name because it could conjure up images of gray, and fog and mist.  Well- since this is my name and I love the outdoors I still decided to go with it.  My friend- if you are reading this, please do not take offense to what I’m saying now.

To make change in this world-we must be authentic and think for ourselves. Even when others have counter opinions.

I know by being an advocate for outdoor activity that I am changing lives.  If you look around on any given day you will see many overweight people- and now even kids are obese.  I was teased a lot in school because I had a gap between my teeth.( I will add a picture of me as a Senior in High School).  But for now-imagine a large gap where people asked me how many quarters I could fit between my teeth.

Being outdoors was a safe comfy place for me-free of judgement and criticism.  This is also where I have always excelled in athleticism.  I can’t imagine a week going by without running or hiking.  I know being connected to Nature and being active outdoors is one of the best ways to stay healthy both mentally and physically.

This business for me is about being an inspiration and providing resources to help people live their best lives.  I’m 46- and I feel like I’m 20.  I will always be active and healthy because well, this is my mindset.

As our society progresses and we get more and more into technology, I believe obesity is going to hit ridiculous rates.  I have a program where I discuss the obesity rates rising since 1970 in kids- and it’s not pretty.

I am excited about the direction of Misty Outdoors- I know it will open many new doors and I’m looking forward to this Adventure.

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